Do You Need a Nondisparagement Clause?

Nondisparagement clauses have gained popularity due to the many outlets consumers have available to leave reviews about businesses. The internet has made it much easier for customers and consumers to voice their opinions about businesses, both positive and negative. As much as these reviews have helped the everyday consumer’s purchase decisions, it’s also mired and hurt the bottom line for many businesses – large or small. So, what is a nondisparagement clause? It is language inserted in a contract or agreement that attempts to prevent the receiver of a good or service from posting negative reviews about the seller or service provider. They are also known as a “gag clause.” If you are considering adding this clause into your contract or terms of service, you might want to consider seeking legal counsel before doing so.

Family Law

Family law encompasses a broad range of legal topics involving marriage and children.

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How Single Parents Navigate Family Court Appointments in Sydney

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How Does Adoption Affect Child Support Obligations?

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Common Misconceptions About Divorce

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